Intro to Ebook ‘This Restored Heart’

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Hello! My Name is Coree Sullivan, author the ebook This Restored Heart and the best-selling book Destiny After Divorce. I’ve been where you are. I’ve been married and divorced more than once. That wasn’t the path I wanted or expected to go down when I got married.

    What I didn’t know then is that I brought a past into my marriage that was full of pain and wounds from my past. It was devastating for me when I realized we were going to be divorced. I didn’t know where to turn or what to do. So I set out to just move on…the world says “Get back on the horse you just fell off of and get on with your life!” Sound familiar?

    Just like 67% of the second, third, and so on marriages in America today, I got back out there and started dating. I ended up in a rebound marriage that also ended in divorce. I was doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. Crazy isn’t it!?!



    I invite you to click the Free button to download my first ebook “This Restored Heart” and read my story. It’s not pretty but it is my testimony to God’s grace in my life. I hope you are blessed by it and see that you are not alone and that God has grace for you too. Just click the button below and get your free ebook! Bye for now…

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