We help people recover from the pain and wounds of divorce
He heals the broken hearted & binds up their wounds
Psalm 147:3
Divorce hurts! This Restored Heart Ministries is designed to provide faith based tools and materials to those who are going through or have been through a divorce to help them through the healing process.
Divorce hurts! This Restored Heart Ministries is designed to provide faith based tools and materials to those who are going through or have been through a divorce to help them through the healing process.
Divorce hurts! This Restored Heart Ministries is designed to provide faith based tools and materials to those who are going through or have been through a divorce to help them through the healing process.
God hates divorce! Yes, He hates divorce but He does not hate divorced people. In fact He wants to be there to help us through our journey of divorce so that the brokenness divorce causes us is healed and we can move into the destiny He has for us. He hates the pain and brokenness we experience when we go through divorce. He hates the pain that our children go through when we divorce. He hates the devastation it causes us and everyone involved.
In Jeremiah 29:11 NIV He tells us that He has “…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Coree Sullivan has been working with divorced men and women for several years to help them through their healing journey. It is her heart that you move into the destiny God has for you and leave the past behind!
67% of second, third and fourth divorces end in divorce according to a study done in 2013 by Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri. In this study the primary reason for such a high divorce rate was because the typical divorcee did not go through any type of healing program in order to move past the pain and wounds of their divorce. As a result they moved on, dragging their past with them into new relationships.
Have you heard the saying “Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results?” That is the true definition of insanity! It is God’s heart that we come to Him with our pain and hurt so that He can heal the broken places in our hearts and restore us to our destiny! In Psalm 147:3 NIV we learn “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
In Coree Sullivan’s best selling book “Destiny After Divorce” and accompanying materials, she lays out the steps she has taken to heal from her past and how you can also find your path to healing and freedom so you can walk in your God given destiny.
You will also learn how to support your children through their divorce journey, because they’re lives are different too. Plus tips on entering the dating world again. The goal is to become successfully single so you can move into a healthy new relationship, free of your past!
“The material, teaching and coaching I’ve received in your class has helped me heal from not only my divorce but other pain and wounds from my past. What a great future I have!” – Erik G.